"How much do I love you" : Miley Cyrus recalls fax messages she received from Dolly Parton

Washington [US], June 4 (ANI): Pop sensation Miley Cyrus recently recalled the heartwarming fax messages she received from her 'godmother,' Dolly Parton, who has a unique penchant for using the fax machine as a means of communication.

In a recent interview obtained by People magazine, Cyrus expressed her deep affection for Parton, recalling a touching message she received on Mother's Day, which read, "How much do I love you? As much as my heart can hold and as far as my arms can reach."

This sentiment moved Cyrus deeply, and she acknowledged the special bond she shares with Parton.

In addition to the heartfelt messages, Parton surprised Cyrus with an unusual Christmas gift, a mannequin fashioned to resemble Parton, dressed in her iconic outfit, as per People magazine.

Parton's preference for fax communication has been a subject of curiosity for many, with Parton herself explaining in an interview that she prefers this method over digital platforms as she feels surrounded by enough people already.

She humorously mentioned that even the late Kenny Rogers used to aggravate her about it, prompting her to quip that she would resort to carrier pigeons if necessary.

Parton's steadfast commitment to fax communication has become a charming and endearing aspect of her persona.

Fellow country icon Reba McEntire also attested to the unique method of reaching out to Parton, stating "You don't call Dolly, you fax her." (ANI)