NATO chief criticizes China for boycotting Ukraine peace summit

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg speaks to journalists on the sidelines of a meeting of EU defense ministers. Ansgar Haase/dpa

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has criticized China for boycotting the Ukraine peace conference in Switzerland later this month.

In a podcast interview with Germany's regional public broadcaster NDR, Stoltenberg said it was regrettable that China had decided not to participate.

Switzerland has invited around 160 countries to the event on June 15 and 16 to discuss possible ways to achieve lasting peace in Ukraine.

China announced last week that it would not participate.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning in Beijing stated that there is a significant disparity between the conference's design and China's expectations, as well as the general expectations of the international community.

Stoltenberg said China's cancellation was not surprising.

He explained that not only did China fail to condemn the invasion, but President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin had signed an agreement just before it, promising each other an unlimited partnership.

Stoltenberg said that since the invasion, China has been selling advanced technology, microelectronics, and other equipment to bolster the Russian war economy, enabling Russia to continue the war against Ukraine.

Switzerland has confirmed that more than 80 countries will participate in the peace conference. Russia, which invaded Ukraine more than two years ago, has not received an invitation.