Why Manchester City claim they have been given financial disadvantage compared to Manchester United

A storm is brewing in the Premier League with Manchester City denying wrongdoing.

At the weekend Gary Lineker defended his controversial post-FA Cup Final interview with Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag, arguing he was simply asking the awkward questions which needed to be addressed.

There was an easy retort for Manchester United fans, who pointed out he had not quizzed Pep Guardiola about the 115 financial charges standing against Manchester City.

The case against City is open, awaiting a hearing which will take place later this year. Ahead of that, City have launched a separate legal action against the Premier League.

Photo by Marc Atkins/Getty Images

Manchester City fight the Premier League

According to The Times, Manchester City are launching a new legal hearing against the Premier League which will begin on June 10.

Describing the move as ‘unprecedented’, City allege the Premier League’s financial rules are discriminatory against them, claiming that they are the victims of over-regulation designed to limit their success.

Within the report is a reference to Manchester United, with City upset that the Red Devils were not subject to the same financial rules in the past, especially under Sir Alex Ferguson‘s earned success.

The Times claims: “City blame the Premier League for not regulating spending when clubs such as Manchester United were more dominant, arguing they have been prevented from monetising their brand in the way United did.”

It is added that City believe their sponsors should be permitted to finance the club as they wish, and not be subjected to ‘Fair Market Value’ assessments.

No sympathy from Manchester United fans

You won’t get any sympathy from Manchester United supporters for Manchester City’s plight.

It’s correct that United were not regulated in the same way City were, but Sir Alex Ferguson’s teams earned their way into a position of strength and spent money generated by the club.

City were propelled into the position they are in by an injection of cash from their owners. It’s not been an organic rise to the top.

And even if City end up winning their battle against the Premier League and get cleared of charges, many football fans won’t buy it. The assumption will simply be that City had the better lawyers.