Singapore announces representative of country at peace summit

Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Singapore, Sim Ann (

Next week, Singapore will participate in the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland to garner international support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's peace proposals, according to Singapore's Prime Minister Lawrence Wong.

He said that Senior Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and National Development Sim Ann has been appointed as a special envoy to attend the summit.

"Switzerland will be hosting a Summit on Peace in Ukraine later this month and invited Singapore to participate," he said.

The night before, the Prime Minister of Singapore spoke with Swiss President Viola Amherd and informed her that Sim was appointed Singapore's representative at the peace summit.

Global peace summit

On June 15-16, Switzerland will host a historic summit dedicated to the Ukrainian peace formula. This will be the first high-level meeting aimed at finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Ukraine.

Over 100 countries are expected to participate, demonstrating broad international support for Ukraine.

Key topics of the summit will include the release of prisoners and the return of deported children.

It is also expected that other points of the Ukrainian peace formula will be discussed, including food security, energy security, nuclear safety, and restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity.

More details can be found in the RBC-Ukraine article.