US deploys long-range bomber in air exercise with South Korea

The US and South Korean air forces have held joint air exercises with weapons and live ammunition against the backdrop of growing tensions on the Korean peninsula.

In addition to fighter jets from both countries, a conventional B-1B long-range bomber from the US was also used in the bombing exercises, South Korea's Defence Ministry announced on Wednesday.

It was unclear exactly where the flights took place over the peninsula. The US regularly sends long-range bombers to South Korea for exercises.

For the first time in seven years, JDAM precision bombs were reportedly dropped during the aerial training. The US military says JDAM is a guidance system with which free-falling bombs can be converted into precision-guided weapons.

The latest military exercise follows South Korea's decision to suspend a 2018 military agreement with North Korea on confidence-building measures on the heavily militarized border.

North Korea, under the authoritarian rule of Kim Jong Un, has recently sent balloons loaded with rubbish across the border. South Korea's military also accused its neighbour of repeatedly jamming the GPS navigation system in the border region and repeatedly provoking it with missile tests.

North Korea says the balloon actions were in response to the frequent sending of propaganda leaflets from South Korean organizations across the border.