Gay Republicans revolt after Colorado GOP sends out 'God Hates Pride' email

Gay Pride Flag (Shutterstock)

LGBTQ Republicans in Colorado are calling for change after the Colorado GOP sent out an email to commemorate Pride Month that bluntly stated, "God Hates Pride."

Westword reports that the email, which was signed by Trump-loving party chairman Dave Williams, described the LGBTQ community as "evil," "woke creeps" and "godless groomers" who prey on children.

For good measure, the email links to a video of a pastor who says that "God hates [rainbow Pride] flags," which is a clear allusion to the infamously bigoted Westboro Baptist Church's declaration that "God hates f--s."

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Valdamar Archuleta, the president of the Log Cabin Republicans of Colorado, argued that Williams' approach was hurting the GOP in a state that has increasingly tilted toward Democrats in recent years.

"It's alienating a large group of people within the party. Not just LGBT people, but our friends, our allies, our families," he told Westword. "This was a massive mistake. We need to work on unifying the party and growing the party, not isolating people with divisive messages like this."

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Archuleta said that the email was also a sign that the current state party leadership needed to be toppled.

"That email was blatantly hateful," he told Westword. "There's really no condoning it in any way. We need new leadership, and we need to start looking for new leadership now."

Republican Douglas County Commissioner Abe Laydon similarly shredded the state party for sending the email.

"Messages of hate, bigotry and government control over people's lives are not Republican or Christian," Laydon told Westword. "Colorado Republicans who care about public safety, property taxes, reducing homelessness and supporting the constitution have kids, grandkids, friends, neighbors, or they themselves are part of the LGBTQ+ community. How do messages of hate serve them and our communities?"

The Colorado Republican Party has not backed down in the face of this criticism and it has shared Twitter posts that describe Pride Month as "an abomination," "demonic" and "anti-God."

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