'Betrayal of U.S.': Jared Kushner blasted for condemning NATO 'aggression' in Serbia deal

Jared Kushner (AFP)

Former President Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner has inked a controversial new real estate deal in Serbia that requires his company to erect a Russian propaganda monument that excuses a brutal ethnic cleansing — and hits NATO for "aggression."

According to journalist Michael Isikoff's "SpyTalk," the fine print of Kushner's new $500 million deal with the Serbian government to build luxury real estate in Belgrade "includes a commitment that seems destined to stir up even more international controversy: a pledge by Kushner’s firm, Affinity Partners, to construct a 'memorial dedicated to all the victims of NATO aggression' — an allusion to the U.S.-backed bombing campaign that brought the Serbian government of Slobodan Milosevic to its knees a quarter century ago."

That campaign was launched alongside the greater international community in response to Milosevic's brutal ethnic cleansing massacres in Kosovo against ethnic Albanians, an atrocity widely considered to have been a genocide.

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But the current pro-Russian government in Serbia is headed up by Aleksander Vučić, who once served in Milosevic's government — and he has found common cause with Russia's Vladimir Putin in revisionist history to cast NATO as aggressors, which is part of the basis for Putin's ongoing brutal attack on Ukraine.

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"Among those exercised over the Kushner deal is retired Gen. Wesley Clark, who served as NATO Supreme Allied Commander during the war," wrote Isikoff. "While he has no objection to a U.S. firm investing in Serbia, the planned revisionist memorial — officially proclaiming America’s adversary in the war to have been a victim of 'aggression' — 'is worse than a reversal' of U.S. policies in the region, said Clark in an interview with SpyTalk. 'It’s a betrayal of the United States, its policies and the brave diplomats and airmen who did what they could to stop Serb ethnic cleansing.'"

Kushner, who served as a key foreign policy strategist with Trump and was heavily involved in, among other things, the crafting of the Abraham Accords to secure broader recognition of Israel in the Arab world, has repeatedly drawn criticism for leveraging his connections to Trump to secure international deals with shady governments.

In particular, less than a year after Trump's departure, Kushner raised $3 billion for a Middle East-focused investment firm, and in turn received $2 billion in investment from the Saudi wealth fund, with the crown prince overruling objections from advisers. There is also Saudi investment backing the Serbian deal.

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