'Utter moral corruption': Conservative makes reluctant case to vote for Biden over Trump

Donald Trump (Photo by Saul Loeb for AFP)

Conservative Nick Catoggio is not a fan of President Joe Biden and is stridently critical of the current president's immigration policies.

However, he nonetheless makes the case at The Dispatch that former President Donald Trump's "utter moral corruption" is such a threat to the American republic that he must reluctantly hold his nose and back Biden.

The logic, he says, is that while he intensely dislikes many of Biden's policies, he believes that Biden will willingly leave office in 2028 -- and that he does not have the same confidence in Trump.

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"The question isn’t 'Biden or Trump?' so much as it’s 'Should we continue with the constitutional order as we’ve known it or try something radically different?'" he contends. "I’ll guarantee here and now that if Trump becomes president again and remains in good health he’ll try to extend his term in office past 2029. I won’t guarantee that he’ll succeed, but the attempt will be made as surely as you’re reading this."

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Whatever his misgivings with Biden, Catoggio argues that he will not deploy the military against his fellow Americans who protest against him and he won't stock the Department of Justice with fanatics who are hellbent on prosecuting as many members of the opposing party as they can.

"All of that is on the table if Trump is reelected, along with even darker insanity that you and I can’t imagine but Stephen Miller assuredly can," he writes.

Catoggio also draws a contrast between the types of support garnered by each candidate: While most of the MAGA base is devoted to Trump personally, most Biden voters simply want to preserve the system of government that they have lived with their entire lives.

"No one is 'investing' in Joe Biden by supporting him," he writes. "They’re investing in keeping a fascist out of power."

Read the full essay here.

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