Graduate's father arrested for blocking Black superintendent from shaking daughter's hand

Father attacks superintendent (Photo: screen captures of Baraboo High School graduation video, via school district)

The father of a Baraboo High School graduate blocked his daughter from shaking the hand of the Black superintendent as she graduated, video of the incident shows.

The school district, which has had repeated problems with racism and antisemitism, held its graduation Friday. The father was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, Wisconsin News reported.

The father, who has been identified as 49-year-old Matt Eddy, jumped on stage, grabbed the superintendent and began dragging him to the back of the stage.

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Read Also: Racism, fascism and cruelty: Donald Trump’s New Hampshire performance in nine quotes described Eddy as "forcibly pulling the district superintendent away from his daughter as she crossed the stage." Traditionally, when students graduate high school, they shake hands with the principal and district leaders.

A video of the ceremony recorded the father as he shouted, "That's my daughter!"

At one point, he was heard shouting, "I don't want her touching him!"

Superintendent Rainey Briggs then said, "You better get up off me man. Get away from me bro."

The video shows the daughter, clad in a blue cap and gown, shocked and putting her hand to her forehead. She moves her tassel to the left side and walks away as three police officers step in to take the man off stage.

Local station News 3 claimed that social media comments say that the father was angry at the way the district handled bullying issues related to his daughter.

Internet sleuths have since found his employer and are posting on the company's Facebook page, accusing Eddy of being a racist.

The school district released a statement saying: "Our primary focus remains on celebrating the achievements of our graduates.

"We want to ensure that the significance of this milestone and the hard work of our students are not overshadowed by this unfortunate event."

They also said they are cooperating with law enforcement.

It has not been confirmed whether or not the superintendent intends to file charges.

See the moment below or at the link here.

Parent pushes Baraboo Superintendent at graduation

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