Pentagon: US aid pier off Gaza may be repaired by end of week

A general view of vandalized and abandoned humanitarian aid trucks at the separation wall, which were on their way to the Gaza Strip. The Pentagon hopes that the temporary pier set up by the US military off the coast of Gaza to deliver aid will be repaired by the end of the week, officials said Wednesday. Ilia Yefimovich/dpa

The Pentagon hopes that the temporary pier set up by the US military off the coast of Gaza to deliver aid will be repaired by the end of the week, officials said Wednesday.

"We're hoping that we will be able to re-anchor the peer into Gaza at the end of the week," US Department of Defence spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said.

"As soon as the temporary pier is re-anchored to the beach in Gaza, we expect aid to flow pretty immediately," Singh added.

The pier anchored on the coast was severely damaged in rough seas at the end of May just a few days after it was completed.

Due to strong waves, four US military ships involved in the mission broke free from their moorings.

There had also previously been problems with the distribution of aid supplies. The Pentagon said at the time that some lorries had been "intercepted."

On Wednesday, Singh also corrected the estimated costs for the temporary pier downwards to around $230 million, including repair costs. The Pentagon had previously put the costs at around $300 million.