'That would be a federal crime': Questions arise about Trump's gun possession as a felon

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After his hush money conviction the New York Police Department is quietly moving to strip former President Donald Trump's gun packing license.

CNN's Chief Law Enforcement and Intelligence Analyst John Miller reported that a senior NYPD official confirmed the formal disarming move.

"When he was convicted of those charges he became a convicted felon under New York state law, but also under federal law that says, if you're a convicted felon, you cannot be in possession of firearms or even ammunition," he said during a Wednesday appearance on CNN's "The Lead" with Jake Tapper.

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Indeed, possessing firearms or ammunition by a convicted felon is prohibited by federal law.

Miller reported how Trump's native New York suspended his concealed carry license that he had for over a decade was quietly suspended on April 1, 2023 shortly after he was criminally indicted on March 30.

So far, two of Trump's three pistols he was licensed to carry were forfeited to the NYPD a day later on March 31, 2023.

But it's the whereabouts Trump's third gun that Miller appeared to concede still remains unknown.

"That's a key question," he admitted. "The New York guns are in the custody of the NYPD; we know where they are, we know how they got there through that process. But the gun in Florida, we have asked the Trump camp... to find out is the former president's still in possession of that firearm was it turned over to authorities in Florida?"

He continued: "If so, what authorities? And when? And is there a record of that?

"Because the burning question here is if Donald Trump is still in possession of that firearm being a convicted felon right now, that would be a federal crime."

The source stated that the third weapon on Trump's license “was lawfully moved to Florida."

The NYPD’s Legal Bureau is expected to investigate the matter and “that will likely lead to revocation of his license,” the NYPD brass told the outlet.

Still, Trump, who is a big Second Amendment cheerleader and pro-National Rifle Association — can request a hearing to prevent the license from being confiscated.

Given the former president's conviction on all 34 counts on May 30, 2024, he could in jeopardy of flouting state and federal laws if he still possesses the gun in Florida.

The Trace reported that they sought comment from a variety of agencies, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' office (where Trump has called himself a resident since 2019) if they have plans to enforce felon gun laws regarding Trump and nobody responded.

Miller rhetorically asked about the need for the former president to keep personally armed despite having "24/7 protection from the Secret Service" but learned that "it's a licensee apparently maintained through the entire time he was president and after."

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