Otaru Blue Cave

Explore the breathtaking Otaru Blue Cave, a captivating natural wonder nestled in the scenic coastal landscape of Otaru, Japan. The adventure offers an 80-minute cruise through the Otaru Canal area, Otaru Kaigan Quasi-National Park and the renowned Blue Cave, with fascinating stops along the way.

Otaru Blue Cave Cruise

Photo by: PIXTA/ Yoshi.YuExplore the best of Otaru’s coastline.

The tour starts with Otaru North Breakwater, a symbol of Japan’s first concrete seawalls. These walls have stood proudly for over a century and are a registered Hokkaido heritage site. Following the seawalls, passengers will then visit Takashima Point, which is home to the famous Hiyoriyama Lighthouse. Other landmarks include Otaru Aquarium, Nishin Goden and Sea Lion Rock.

Cruise Highlights

Photo by: PIXTA/ スプやんExperience seeing the deep blue glow within the cave.

The climax of this expedition culminates at Otaru Blue Cave. Here, visitors are enveloped in a mesmerizing world of azure hues. Most cruise boats come with adjustable seating that ensures the perfect angle for capturing the cave’s surreal beauty. The interplay of natural elements, from seawater erosion to the angle of sunlight, creates the phenomenon where the sea surface radiates an intense blue glow.

Notably, Otaru boasts one of the few Blue Caves outside of Italy. The contrast between the rugged coastline and the vivid blue sea surface makes this a must-see attraction. In addition, fortunate visitors may encounter natural sea urchins up close on days with calm waves and clear waters. During the summer, many seabirds can be spotted, adding to the area’s picturesque charm. In the winter, seals make their presence known, further enhancing the coastal excursion. This popular adventure is a top choice for travelers to Otaru.

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