'Face the music': Legal expert says Trump could 'die in prison' if he loses appeal

(Photo: Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images)

Convict Donald Trump could perish in prison if he loses his third presidential bid on Nov. 5.

That was former federal prosecutor Harry Litman's prognostication when he appeared on former Sen. Al Frankel's podcast.

"If he doesn't win he has an appreciable chance of dying in prison," Litman said.

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Franken interjected: "Because the other cases —"

Litman finished his thought, stating, "The other cases are gonna happen."

The former president has been hit with 88 felony counts spread across four state and federal criminal cases.

Should the 45th president and presumptive Republican nominee to become the 47th president be defeated at the ballot box come Election Day, it likely green lights the cases.

That means the election subversion case brought in D.C. where Trump stands accused of conspiring to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after being beaten in the 2020 election to then President-Elect Joe Biden which inspired a deadly riot at the Capitol.

It also opens the floodgates to the classified documents case, where Trump and two underlings stand accused of obstructing the feds from returning hoarded banker boxes of classified documents he took from the White House to squirrel away "in various locations at The Mar-a-Lago Club including in a ballroom, a bathroom and shower, an office space, his bedroom, and a storage room," according to the indictment.

Trump pleaded not guilty in both.

Litman expects Trump to "face the music" when he's interviewed before he is sentenced on July 11.

"He has to sit down — and he's a convict now — so he sits down in a grubby government office," said Litman. "They will ask him about how he feels about the charges and he's gonna likely fulminate."

"That will be in the report. The DA will ask for a big sentence.. say four to six months. Best guess: applying neutral principles that would apply to any average person, Merchan will give him a couple months."

But that won't mean Trump gets hard time. Or at least not for "a couple years."

That's because Trump will ride out all of his appeal options.

If Trump manages to take back the White House and become president again, Litman predicts he will be emboldened to "take a wrecking ball to the system any way he can."

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