Dutch voters kick off continent-wide poll in EU rife with uncertainty

Continent-wide elections for the European Parliament kick off on Thursday, with the Netherlands the first country to vote in a poll that could see up to 360 million people across the 27 EU member states cast their ballots over four days.

Emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic with economic growth subdued, shocked by the war in Ukraine, struggling to cope with rising immigration and attempting to face the dangers posed by climate change, this is a European Union election rife with uncertainty about the path ahead.

Not to mention the fact that it is the first election since the United Kingdom became the only country ever to formally leave the European Union, in 2020.

If forecasters' predictions are correct, far-right parties will do better this time around than ever before, potentially affecting everything from EU policy on migration and climate, to the choice of the next European Commission president.

In the Netherlands, polling commissioned by the broadcaster Euronews indicates that the far-right Party for Freedom (PVV) led by Geert Wilders could win 18 out of 31 European Parliament seats.

This would compound the PVV's victory in November's general election. Wilders has recently entered into a coalition government with three other right-of-centre parties.

If a good result by far-right parties in the Netherlands is replicated in other countries, they could together win dozens more seats in the parliament, which has the power to change and block EU legislation.

After the Netherlands, Ireland goes to vote on Friday, followed by Latvia, Malta and Slovakia on Saturday. The Czech Republic and Italy vote across two days: June 7-8 and June 8-9 respectively.

In the rest of the EU, elections will be held on Sunday, June 9.