EU elections: Italy, Slovakia, Latvia and Malta head to the polls today

European Elections 2024 ©Euronews

More than 350 million eligible voters in 27 EU countries are heading to the polls to choose the next European Parliament.

Euronews’ Poll Centre predicts that far-right parties across the continent are on course for historic gains.

The election will gauge political temperature across the 27 member states on crucial issues such as climate change and the future of the European Green Deal, economic recovery post-COVID-19, migration, and the EU's role on the global stage.

At stake - who takes the helm at the European institutions in Brussels - including the Commission and the Council - determining the political course of the European Union over the next five years. Check our election hub here.

The story so far:

Stay tuned with us during the European Parliament elections to get live updates, original stories and analysis from Brussels and the European capitals until Monday!

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