Gloria De Piero blasts Wales' first minister confidence vote: 'It's a gimmick!'

A vote on First Minister Vaughan Gething's leadership came just 77 days after he was elected to lead the Welsh government.

The Welsh Conservatives pushed the vote in the Senedd (Welsh parliament) after weeks of rows about donations to his leadership campaign.

Complaints were made after Gething accepted £200,000 for his campaign by a company whose owner was previously convicted of environmental offences. GB News presenter Gloria De Piero called the vote a "gimmick" and demanded Gething "be able to govern."

Gloria De Piero and Vaughan Gething

De Piero said: “It’s a gimmick put down by the Conservative Party.

“Of course they want to get rid of the First Minister of Wales.

“A bit unfortunate that two Labour members are unwell today, but the guy has been in power for 70 odd days.

“Give him a change to be able to govern, stop the stupid gimmicks and the mischief and let’s see if he can deliver for Wales.

Vaughan Gething

“And if not, the Welsh people will get rid of him.”

Gething, a close ally of Keir Starmer, lost the no confidence vote in a blow to the Labour Party.


Senedd members voted 29 in favour and 27 against the motion of no confidence, however, two Labour members were unable to attend because they were ill.

Gething insisted he would not resign stating: "I’m here, proud to be the First Minister of Wales to serve and lead my country. That’s what I’ve done today. It’s what I’ll carry on doing.”