'Not messing around!' MSNBC's Mika warns Trump's not joking about prosecuting enemies


MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski warned that Donald Trump made clear in a Fox News interview that he's completely serious about prosecuting his enemies if he returns to the White House.

The former president sat down with conservative broadcaster Sean Hannity, who lobbed softball questions that gave Trump an opportunity to walk back those threats against president Joe Biden and others, but Trump instead doubled down and claimed he would be justified in using the criminal justice system to seek retribution.

"Help me out here – first of all, no criminality," Brzezinski said, addressing one of Trump's claims. "This was not Biden's Justice Department in the criminal trial in New York City. It was a jury of Donald Trump's peers, 12 people and alternates. Just to fact check him right there. Also, Hannity, 'Mr. Softball,' setting him up, saying, 'Come on, come on, you wouldn't actually have retribution -- you're not, you don't mean that?' He's like, 'Of course I do.' Just like with the [classified] documents, when Hannity was like, 'Come on, you didn't actually take the documents.'"

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"Donald Trump is not messing around," she added. "He promises retribution. As he even told Hannity, when Hannity gave him a chance to semi-cover it, he will serve it up. So with that, I mean, I'm not sure what more people need to know given a lot of things that Donald Trump has promised have come to pass."

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Co-host Willie Geist agreed, saying that Trump repeatedly passed on opportunities Hannity presented to clean up his controversial or criminal actions and statements in the friendly broadcaster's obsequious interviews.

"I'm not smiling about the substance of what the [former] president said, I'm smiling at what you put your finger on, which is this entire genre of interview now where Sean Hannity embeds the answer into his question and tries to lead Donald," Geist said. "I wish my oral exams in high school and college were like that, where the teacher would nod along and give you the answer."

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