Republicans in Pennsylvania boo cops who defended the Capitol on Jan. 6


Former law enforcement officers Aquilino Gonell and Harry Dunn were honored in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, but some Republican lawmakers booed them.

House Speaker Joanna McClinton (D) brought the men to the state capitol and introduced them to the House floor. Republicans responded by booing and hissing. Others simply walked out of the room, the Washington Post reported after speaking to lawmakers.

“I heard some hissing, and I saw about eight to 10 of my Republican colleagues walk out angrily as they were announced as police officers from the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6,” said State Rep. Arvind Venkat (D) on Thursday.

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“I was shocked and appalled,” he added.

The chaos lasted about five minutes, and there was only a small collection of fewer than 100 officials out of 203 in the chamber at the time.

The session began its morning introducing the men who "defended the Capitol against rioters and insurrectionists on Jan. 6, 2021. They're traveling the country to raise awareness of the threats to democracy..."

The jeering could barely be heard on the livestream video, beginning at the end of the Speaker's comments. When the cheers and whistles began, they drowned out the boos.

Speaker McClinton (D) called the actions of the Republicans “despicable.”

Republicans, however, promised that it wasn't a reflection of their dedication to law enforcement.

“I was on the House Floor yesterday and I personally spoke to both of the former officers at the Speaker’s rostrum. I and other members of our caucus also had their pictures taken with the former officers,” House Republican Leader Bryan Cutler said to the Post. He claimed that Democratic lawmakers were “antagonizing members and inviting division and discord for their political and campaign purposes.”

GOP caucus chair George Dunbar denied the whole ordeal and said he “did not see who did what on the Floor yesterday, but believe the actions by House Democrats were contrived for political purposes."

He claimed that he greeted the officers and has the “deepest respect” for Capitol police officers “as well as all law enforcement.”

Democrats still called out the Republicans' behavior.

“There were absolutely Republican members who did applaud and stand. But a majority did not,” said Rep. Mike Schlossberg (D) to the Post.

“It was embarrassing and disgraceful,” added Schlossberg.

Schlossberg claimed that the booing and jeering grew so loud “that the Speaker had to raise her voice to be heard over the noise.”

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