Former neighbors accuse Alitos of using 'power imbalance' to 'harass and intimidate' them

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito (from Creative Commons)

Emily Baden said her former neighbors, Justice Samuel Alito and his wife Martha-Ann, used a "power imbalance" to "harass and intimidate" her and her husband.

Baden made the comments after news reports indicated that the two couples had a spat, which led to Martha-Ann flying a U.S. flag upside down like the Jan. 6 rioters.

Baden recalled one encounter with the Alitos to NPR.

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"And then Mrs. Alito says something like, well, well, well, isn't it the f---ing fascists," she recalled. "And that was when I spoke back — I did obviously use an expletive. But I also said a lot of other things like how dare you behave this way?"

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Baden has told CNN she regretted calling Martha-Ann Alito the c-word. Samuel Alito "stayed quiet the whole time," according to the NPR report. "Baden and her husband were a little freaked out because Martha-Ann Alito used their full names when she walked up. And they had never actually met."

Baden said, "The power imbalance between these people and myself is huge. They're choosing to harass and intimidate us when we are nothing to them."

Baden's husband notified the police. But other than contacting Alito's security detail, nothing was done, she said.

Listen to the audio clip below from NPR.

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