Steve Bannon goes on tirade after prison order: 'There's nothing that can shut me up'

A man holds a sign that reads "Lock Them Up" as Attorney Matthew Evan Corcoran (L) and Steve Bannon, former advisor to President Donald Trump, depart federal court on June 6, 2024 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)

Former White House strategist Steve Bannon was defiant after being ordered to report to prison by a judge on Thursday.

Bannon made remarks following U.S. District Court Judge Carl Nichols' decision to have himreport to prison on July 1. The Republican strategist was convicted of two counts for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the Jan. 6 Committee.

"I want to say something specifically about the Justice Department," Bannon bellowed following the hearing. "They're not going to shut up Trump. They're not going to shut up [Peter] Navarro. They're not going to shut up Bannon, and they're certainly not going to shut up MAGA."

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"There's nothing that can shut me up and nothing that will shut me up," he added. "There's not a prison built or a jail built that will ever shut me up."

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Bannon declared "all victory to MAGA."

"We're going to win at the Supreme Court, and more importantly, we're going to win on November 5th in an amazing landslide with the Senate, the House, and also Donald J. Trump back as president of the United States."

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