CNN's Bash laughs at Sean Hannity's failed attempt to 'toss Trump a lifeline'

Dana Bash, Donald Trump, Sean Hannity (CNN and Fox News screenshots)

Normally straightlaced CNN host Dana Bash was unable to keep a straight face before sharing a clip of Fox News host Sean Hannity doing all he could to allow Donald Trump to walk back comments about plans to use the government to go after his perceived enemies if he is re-elected.

In the interview, which was pre-taped and edited before being broadcast on the conservative network on Wednesday night, Hannity appeared to be leading a confused Trump by the hand to push back at his critics who are warning about coming retribution.

Introducing the clip, a smirking Bash stated, "Last night Trump was on with Hannity and Hannity was clearly trying to throw him a lifeline and it didn't look like Donald Trump was ready to grab it."

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What followed was a clip of the Fox News host prompting the former president, "Focus on those that want people to believe you want retribution. That you will use the system of justice to go after your political enemies."

"So, number one, they're wrong," Trump replied. "It has to stop, because otherwise, we're not going to have a country. Look, when this election is over, based on what they've done. You have to do it. Look, I know what you want me to say something..." as Hannity interrupted and Trump spoke over him and added, "I don't want to look naïve."

Watch the video below or at this link.

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