Trump’s 'next crime' will put US democracy in 'far more danger' than 2020: election lawyer

Former President Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida in July 2023 (Creative Commons)

Attorney Marc Elias, known for his expertise on U.S. election law and voting rights, has been sounding the alarm about the refusal of MAGA Republicans — including presumptive 2024 GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump — to accept election results they dislike.

Trump continues to falsely claim, without evidence, that the 2020 election was stolen from him. And Elias, in an article published by his Democracy Docket website on June 5, warns that Trump and his allies will do everything they can to throw out the 2024 election results if he loses to incumbent President Joe Biden.

"Trump has already told us he will only accept the outcome of the 2024 election if he wins," Elias explains. "He recently claimed he won Minnesota in 2020. In fact, he lost by over 200,000 votes. He is claiming that absent fraud, he will win New York and New Jersey in 2024."

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The attorney continues, "Trump is planning his next crime. We don't yet know the exact details, but we know it involves subverting the will of the voters and undermining free and fair elections. And we know that he will spare nothing and no one who gets in his way."

Five months ahead of the November election, Elias warns, Trump and his allies are taking steps to return him to the White House even if he loses.

"Already, his campaign and their allies are suing states to throw out election rules to sow chaos by throwing out the rules by which elections are conducted," the elections expert observes. "They are litigating to criminalize voter registration, increase the number of ballots that are discarded and purge voters. Perhaps most chilling, they assert a constitutional right to harass election officials and voters."

Elias adds, "Most importantly for this fall, Trump and his allies are focused on empowering election deniers to refuse to certify election results. They tried this in a handful of places after the 2020 election. Now, they are far more organized. Democracy is in far more danger."

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Marc Elias' full article for Democracy Docket is available at this link.

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