Hunter Biden’s ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ Card Even If Jury Convicts Him - His Dad Could Issue a Pardon

Anna Moneymaker / Getty Images

As Hunter Biden's criminal trial is underway, the most obvious question to consider is what President Joe Biden will do should the jury convict his son. Will he issue a presidential pardon?

Hunter Biden was indicted in September on three felony gun charges. He is accused of buying and possessing a firearm while being a drug addict and falsifying information on a federal form while purchasing a firearm.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said in December regarding a potential pardon, "I've been very clear; the president is not going to pardon his son."

The Washington Examiner reported President Biden said much the same in an interview with ABC News at a ceremony to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

ABC asked whether he had ruled out using his authority for the sake of his son in both his firearm trial and a tax evasion trial set for September.

President Biden reportedly gave a single-word answer: "Yes."

The elder Biden released a statement when the trial began, shedding further insight by saying, "As president, I don't and won't comment on pending federal cases," continuing, "But as a dad, I have boundless love for my son, confidence in him and respect for his strength."

With both remarks in mind, can we really trust the president on that stance?

Hunter Biden's dealings have been so closely interwoven with the president's career that it's right to doubt.

With confirmation that President Biden was indeed the "Big Guy" in his son's business dealings with China, Hunter Biden's laptop being a thing of truth and in fact not “Russian misinformation" and the suspicious discovery of cocaine at the White House, nobody in his right mind would say the president is estranged from his son's degenerate and unlawful behavior.

It seems likely the president will help his son in some capacity, but timing is everything.

The November election approaches, with former President Donald Trump still the presumptive Republican nominee.

The website 270 to Win shows Trump up in the polls in battleground states like Georgia, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

While the Biden campaign tried to keep Hunter Biden's behavior out of the limelight in the build-up to 2020, it will be unavoidable in 2024.

With that in mind, a pardon of Hunter Biden would be devasting to his re-election prospects for obvious reasons. It is bad enough the Biden administration and mainstream media have tried countless tactics to lie and deceive the public concerning Hunter Biden, but to pardon him after all of that with an election approaching?

Sure, Joe Biden won't pardon his son yet, but as the evidence stacks up against Hunter Biden throughout the remainder of the year, his father could be his get-out-of-jail-free card.

If President Biden secures a second term, that's his chance.