House Republican says goal of government is removing men from the family

U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI), Image via X/Twitter.

U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI) delivered racist, misogynistic, and xenophobic remarks to a local podcaster, claiming progressives, social justice movements, and government itself for decades have wanted to destroy the family unit, and then blamed the federal government for “bribing” low-income women with welfare to prevent them from marrying.

Congressman Grothman, who last year complained that President Joe Biden isn’t appointing enough straight white men to the federal judiciary, has a history of far-right remarks.

On Thursday Grothman claimed when he asks people to tell him, “what’s different about today?” and what the problems are, “I think the number one thing is they feel the breakdown of the family.”

Grothman claimed that “people all along wanted to destroy the family,” before pointing to “the 60s, the feminist movement, Cape Malay was anti-family, a goal of the feminist movement was to get the man out of the family. Angela Davis, you know, superstar radical during the 60s. One of her goals was to destroy the family, and of course, then you move up in time, even the Black Lives Matter movement the founders of Black Lives Matter. A goal was to destroy the family.”

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Grothman continued his false-history claims, saying, “when I asked them why they think there was a breakdown of family, they say vaguely, a decline in the importance of religion, but actually, there are people all along wanted to destroy the family.”

He went on to insist the government wants to destroy the family unit as well.

“So you say, how could the government weigh in to, you know, to make sure we, we didn’t have two parents in the home? Well, they could do it through programs that began during the Great Society in the 60s and continue to be expanded today, in which you get low income housing. You get food stamps, you get daycare, you get cash. You get all these things provided. You don’t get married to a man with a decent income.”

Last year in March, Grothman was criticized after claiming on the floor of the House that the Black Lives Matter movement was “a group that doesn’t like the old-fashioned family.”

Also in the interview Grothman blasted the rate of immigrants becoming legal U.S. citizens.

Complaining that “the number of people who [are] flooding in[to] this country have keep going up,” Grothman criticized President Joe Biden on immigration before saying, “we have never had so many immigrants being sworn in as legal citizens.”

Watch Grothman below or at this link.

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