'Two men who grift': Social media pans Dr. Phil interview with Trump before it even airs

Dr. Phil (Shutterstock)

Former President Donald Trump is giving an interview with longtime talk show host and psychologist "Dr. Phil" McGraw, and the interview has already ginned up controversy among even Trump supporters due to the fact that they have to download Dr. Phil's own streaming app to be able to watch it.

But that's not the only problem. Many other anti-Trump commenters on social media are taking offense at the idea Dr. Phil would even give a platform to Trump in the first place — with many posts on X directed at Dr. Phil bringing up both Trump's recent criminal conviction and his $83 million civil judgment for sexual abuse.

"So you’re a rapist sympathizing piece of s--- giving his platform to a felon. Got it!" wrote podcaster Ryan Shead.

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"You mean failed president and convicted felon Donald Trump, don’t you?" wrote the account @BeingJWood.

"'Dr.' Phil 'interviewing' Trump. Perfectly on-brand," wrote the account Benoit Lheureux. "Perhaps while also hawking nutritional supplements?"

"No thank you," wrote the account @getheller1006. "Two men who grift off of people in distress isn't must see tv for me."

"Phil is a just another Pathetic grifter like TRUMP and it’s FORMER President Trump you know the CONVICTED FELON that the morally bankrupt MAGA GOP ( party of Family Values ) nominated," wrote the account Keith Aloha.

"Dr. Phil is a psychologist. Donald Trump is a sociopath," wrote the account @lesherb. "Will the doctor explain what's wrong with Trump & the danger of having someone like that leading our country? Or is he just hoping Trump's appearance will boost his streaming app?"

"With respect Dr. Phil, he’s a raging narcissist and serial liar, no?" wrote the account Don Ellis Thursday. "Where is his accountability? The man is not a victim at all, he brought this on himself. [Trump] cheated on his third wife with Karen McDougal for 10-months, while Melania was pregnant. Next, he had a 90 second, unprotected sexual affair with porn star Stormy Daniels, while his THIRD wife, was home alone, nursing infant Barron Trump. His crime, under New York election law 17-152 was based on adjusting financial records to pay hush money, so his sexual affairs didn’t become public knowledge, prior to an election! He was charged on all 34 counts by a Jury his own legal team helped select!"

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