Situation in energy system to improve as additional NPP unit starts operating soon - Ukrenergo

Ukrenergo predicts temporary improvement in energy system

"We expect an additional NPP unit to start operating overnight on June 8,” said Kudrytskyi.

“This will ensure a pleasant ‘energy boost’ throughout entire power system for two weeks."

Blackout schedules for consumers will remain, but they will "become softer", he noted.

July month will become the most challenging as NPP units will have the lowest capacity due to planned repairs, and the hot weather will additionally affect the system, he predicted.

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Ukrenergo again announced emergency blackouts in 12 Ukraine oblasts and Kyiv on June 6.

Ukraine’s energy system will experience shortage throughout the day, June 7. Limits on electricity consumption will apply for each oblast for the whole day.

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Energysystem deficit and rotating schedules in Ukraine

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Russia has carried out five missile and drone attacks on Ukraine's power system since March 22. Due to the damage, Ukrainian power plants cannot produce as much electricity as before the attacks, Ukrenergo said.

Controlled emergency blackouts were introduced in all regions of Ukraine on May 14 due to a significant electricity shortage.

All major thermal and hydroelectric power plants in Ukraine were damaged by Russian strikes, Ukrenergo reported on May 20.

The company urged consumers to shift the use of powerful electrical appliances to daytime hours, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Russia's goal is a complete blackout in Ukraine, Energy Minister Herman Halushchenko said during a meeting with EU member state officials at the IAEA on June 6.

The energy situation in Ukraine is currently worse than it has been over the past two years, he added.

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Section: Business

Author: Дарина Халперина