Woke Glasgow council to remove up to 11 statues of British military heroes in BLM 'anti-slavery' push

Statues of British military heroes could be removed from a square in Glasgow following an anti-slavery, anti-colonial backlash from SNP council bigwigs.

As part of an overhaul of George Square in Scotland's second city, no fewer than 11 statues are set to be removed - and while the council has insisted they'll be back in 2027, their reinstitution could be at the behest of an "antislavery working group".

Glasgow's SNP-led local authority had commissioned a review into public artwork following the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020, which included the drawing-up of a list of 'cancellable' figures depicted in statue form.

One figure from Glasgow City Council, SNP councillor Graham Campbell, had said bronzes of Sir John Moore and Field Marshal Colin Campbell were especially problematic.

George Square statues

Speaking about the figures, Campbell said: "One played a leading role in killing Indians resisting British colonialism; the other spent a lot of time killing a lot of enslaved Africans resisting slavery in the Caribbean.

"No doubt today we would not put up statues to such people."

His comments echoed the sentiments raised in the council report, which said: "John Moore and Colin Campbell were in the British Army, with identifiable roles in upholding the system of chattel slavery in colonies of the British West Indies."

And just this week, one council official told a meeting: "We are flexible and agile, and awaiting any instruction from the antislavery working group.


Black Lives Matter flag

"If a decision was taken that one or more statues should not be brought back into the square, then the design would adapt accordingly."

But a council spokesman remained coy on the matter, saying: "The working assumption is that all of the 11 statues in George Square will be returned to the Square in 2027 after their removal - early in 2025 - for conservation and restoration.

"We will soon be preparing tender documents for the contracts needed to deliver this work."