Starmer vows to recognise Palestine if Labour wins General Election

Recognition of a Palestinian state as part of any peace process in the Middle East will be included as a commitment in the Labour manifesto, Sir Keir Starmer confirmed today.

The development will be seen as an attempt to reassure the left of the party, who questioned the Labour leadership's rejection of a ceasefire in the months following the October 7 attacks.

The Labour leader is thought to be attempting to win back the trust of voters who abandoned the party over its response to the war in Gaza.

Speaking to the BBC during a visit in Greater London, the Labour leader said: “That needs to be part of the process, it’s very important we have a viable Palestinian state alongside a safe and secure Israel.”

He added: “It is an inalienable right of the Palestinians, it’s not in the gift of Israel, so it has to be part of the peace process.”

Asked whether this will be in the manifesto, he said: “It will be.”

The Labour manifesto, which is expected to based around Starmer's six key pledges, is being signed off by the Shadow Cabinet today.

It is expected to be unveiled to the public next Thursday.