Biden apologizes to Zelensky for months-long delay in military aid

US President Joe Biden apologized to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for Washington's long delay in approving a sweeping new military aid package for his country.

Biden, during a meeting with Zelensky in Paris, said he wanted to "apologize" for the months-long hold-up in a $61 billion aid package, which was finally passed by Congress in late April.

The US president blamed "some of our very conservative" members of Congress.

"I'm not gonna walk away from you," Biden told Zelensky during a brief exchange of remarks made in front of reporters.

On Thursday, Biden and Zelensky took part in the commemoration of D-Day, the Allied landings in Normandy, France 80 years ago during World War II.

Zelensky addressed the French parliament on Friday morning. Biden is due to give a speech on democracy and freedom in Normandy on Friday afternoon.