Google claims Chrome is 72 per cent faster than two years ago

Google claims it has seen a 72 per cent improvement in Chrome's performance over the past two years.

The web browser has seen speeds rise considerably since the launch of Speedometer 3, "a benchmark for web browsers that measures Web application responsiveness by timing simulated user interactions on various workloads."

A blog post on Chromium read: "By carefully tracking its recent performance over time as the updated benchmark was being developed. Since the inception of Speedometer 3 in May 2022, we've driven a 72 per cent increase in Chrome’s Speedometer score - translating into performance gains for our users ...

"By looking at the workloads in Speedometer and in which functions Chrome was spending the most time, we were able to make targeted optimizations to those functions that each drove an increase in Chrome’s score."

It has been speedier than Microsoft's Edge and Mozilla's Firefox.

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