Further fall in refugees seeking asylum in Germany

A person fills an asylum application of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). Julian Stratenschulte/dpa

The number of asylum requests made in Germany continues to fall, with 17,231 initial applications registered in May, according to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

From January to May, there were an overall 103,467 applications, a decrease of 17.6% compared to the same period last year. In April, the drop was 16.7%. The BAMF says around a third of asylum seekers continue to come from Syria, followed by Afghanistan and Turkey.

The migration office says it has decided on 131,750 asylum cases so far this year. Fewer than half of asylum seekers (46.8%) were granted protection status and 35,892 applicants were rejected.

Another 34,183 procedures were terminated for other reasons - for example, if the applicant withdrew their application because they no longer saw any prospect of success. The BAMF made 108,606 decisions in the same period last year.

Migration is a sensitive issue in Germany and has fuelled the rise of anti-immigrant parties ahead of the European Parliament elections that are currently under way, as well as three key German state elections later this year.

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