US military completes repairs on its Gaza pier, aid can resume

The US military has repaired the temporary pier on the coast of the Gaza Strip that was damaged in rough seas at the end of May, the regional command Centcom announced on Friday.

The structure enables the continuation of deliveries of urgently needed humanitarian aid for Gaza residents, Centcom said.

The Pentagon had already held out the prospect earlier this week that the pier anchored on the coast would be repaired in the course of this week and that aid deliveries could then be resumed.

The pier was severely damaged in rough seas just a few days after the completion of the temporary harbour. Due to strong waves, four US military ships anchored in the area broke free from their moorings.

There had also previously been problems with the distribution of aid supplies. The Pentagon said at the time that some lorries had been "intercepted."

Under the provisional arrangement, freighters will initially bring aid supplies from Cyprus to a floating platform a few kilometres off the coast of the Gaza Strip.

The goods are then loaded onto smaller ships that can sail closer to the coast. These then dock at the temporary pier attached to the coast. There, the supplies are received by aid organizations and then distributed in the Gaza Strip by lorry.