NATO develops major defense plan in case of Russian attack - Reuters

Archive photo: NATO has developed a major defense plan (Getty Images)

The North Atlantic Alliance has developed a defense plan in case of a possible Russian attack. At the same time, the military bloc still wants to strengthen its capabilities, according to Reuters.

The agency writes that NATO will set more difficult tasks for its members to strengthen their air defense, long-range missiles, and logistical capabilities.

It also specifies that NATO has developed the first major defense plans since the end of the Cold War.

They describe how the Alliance will respond to a Russian attack.

Russia's possible war against NATO

After the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Western countries became concerned that Russia would decide to invade NATO territory. However, Alliance officials have so far rejected this idea and say they do not see such a possibility in the near future.

Today, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that the next targets of Russian aggression could be the Baltic States, Poland, or the Balkans.