MAGA melts down as Biden admin reports better-than-expected job numbers

Trump speaking at a rally in 2019. (

The U.S. Labor Department released better-than-expected employment numbers, and Donald Trump's allies down over immigration.

The Biden administration announced the U.S. economy added 272,000 jobs in May, continuing an upward trend since economic activity took off in 2022 following the end of most pandemic restrictions. But the pro-Trump super PAC MAGA Inc. insisted the news “paints a dire picture for the American economy,” reported Politico.

"The release cites a decrease in the number of 'native born Americans' who are employed and an increase in the number of 'foreign born workers' who had jobs in May compared to April," the website reported.

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The super PAC cited comments from CNBC’s senior economics reporter Steve Liesman, who said Friday morning there was "an immigration piece" to this while discussing the Labor Department's jobs .

“There are bodies available, and there is work for them to do," Liesman said in comments quoted by MAGA Inc. "Whether or not they’re here legally or not is a different story."

However, the super PAC did not include his follow-up remarks saying that he had not reviewed the non-native hiring statistics in the survey, although he assumed they were "pretty healthy."


A spokesperson for President Joe Biden's campaign told Politico that “Trump’s team is pushing racist, nativist attacks” and “trying to divide our country to help himself” instead of “outlining a vision to grow the economy.”

“This reads like a statement from the racist, nativist politicians of the 1800s who vilified immigrants and divided Americans to gain power,” said spokesperson Ammar Moussa. “It’s also wrong: under Joe Biden’s leadership, 15.6 million more Americans have jobs and the unemployment rate has been at or under 4% since January 2022. That’s an economic record that Donald Trump can only dream about.”