'Manic' House Republican hurled furniture at terrified staffers: report

U.S. Rep. Victoria Spartz (Official campaign photo)

A "manic" Republican lawmaker hurled furniture at terrified aides in interactions now the , according to a new report.

Former staffers of Rep. Victoria Spartz (R-IN) made this startling revelation in an exclusive Daily Mail report detailing accusations of abusive treatment at the hands of the Ukrainian-born businesswoman.

"One former staffer described her behavior to DailyMail.com as 'manic' and 'verbally abrasive, if not borderline abusive,'" the report notes. "Two former aides said Spartz was known to 'throw furniture' at her staff and she was known to blow up at them at both public or private events."

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One source reportedly said, "She was unfazed by whether people were watching."

One screaming match between Spartz and her 2021 chief of staff sent her staff fleeing, the sources told the Daily Mail. This behavior was the tip of the iceberg, they added.


"Her interactions with senior staff were much more civil than they were at lower level staff," one Daily Mail source said. "They don't make a lot of money, to treat them like that was wholly uncalled for and inappropriate."

Spartz campaign advisor Dan Hazelwood told the Daily Mail the Indiana Republican had not received notice of an investigation and denied a probe was underway.


The Ethics Committee declined the Daily Mail's request for comment.

These allegations surfaced days after Politico reported multiple aides filed complaints accusing Spartz of erratic behavior that included drastic pay cuts and fits of "complete and total rage."

"The aides, who were granted anonymity due to their fear of retribution by Spartz, said their complaints were filed with panel investigators before Spartz won her primary race last month," Politico reported.

"In the last few weeks, she has imposed pay cuts reaching into the tens of thousands of dollars for some staffers, which came amid her ongoing complaints about her staff’s performance."