Yes He Did (Cartoon, Column and Video)

Donald Trump now claims he never said “lock her up.”

Fox and Friends co-host Will Cain said, “You famously said, regarding Hillary Clinton, ‘lock her up.’ You declined to do that as president.”

To that, Trump said, “I beat her. It’s easier when you win. They all said ‘Lock her up’—and I could have done it—but I felt it would have been a terrible thing, and then this happened to me. Hillary Clinton, I didn’t say ‘Lock her up,’ but the people would all say ‘Lock her up.’”

First off, s–t doesn’t “happen” to you when you do s–t, like hide hush-money payments through shady and illegal filings, stage an insurrection, try to steal an election, and steal classified documents. It’s like a bank robber caught during the crime asking, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”

It should also be noted that one difference between Hilary Clinton and Trump is that she didn’t commit a crime. The FBI declined to prosecute her and apparently, only investigated to hurt her 2016 campaign, when she did lose to Trump but won the popular vote.

Trump claims he’s being prosecuted to prevent him from running for president, which is a lie as all four investigations into Trump began before he announced his candidacy. The investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails and server began AFTER she announced her candidacy.

There’s also the lie that Trump could have “locked up” Clinton while he was president. There’s the lie that he didn’t out of some sort of weird generosity, yet he did lobby privately and publicly for Attorney General Bill Barr to go after her. Again, you gotta have a crime.

Trump tried to weaponize the Justice Department against his enemies, and he had some success. Bill Barr appointed a special counsel to investigate the investigation into Russia, and came up empty. The investigation into Hunter Biden began under Trump.

But the biggest whopper in Trump’s talk with Fox and Friends is that he claimed he never said “lock her up.” Donald Trump said it multiple times and during one debate with Clinton, he said if he was running the country, “You’d be in jail.”

Today, Utah Senator Mike Lee said Joe Biden is “literally” prosecuting Trump which is a lie. Biden isn’t even figuratively prosecuting Trump less enough, literally.” But this is the MAGAt talking point without any evidence. But they’re howling about a politicized Justice Department when they’re promising to weaponize the DOJ.

This is Dear Leader type stuff. Trump can say the sun sets in the east and his cult would believe it, but the rest of the nation can’t allow themselves to be gaslighted. Trump lies, gaslights, history, and changes basic facts as easy as redirecting a hurricane to Alabama with a Sharpie.

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