'MAGA die-hard' lawyers making plans to claim fraud in Georgia no matter who wins: report

A Trump-themed flag is flown by supporters across the street from Trump Tower before former U.S. President Donald Trump holds a press conference in New York City on May 31, 2024.(Photo: Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images)

According to a report from Rolling Stone, lawyers and have been busy at work turning Georgia into a laboratory testing out how to make sure they don't lose elections with plans to export their successes to other states.

As Roling Stones' Adam Rawsley and Asawin Suebsaeng are reporting, since of the pivotal state in the 2020 presidential election — which led him to attempt to subvert the election results — there has been a concerted effort by hardcore MAGA supporters to stack the states election offices with likeminded officials while at the same time flooding the state with voter challenges.

According to the report, "As Trump has continued to lie that the 2020 election was “stolen” and 'rigged', the former president and his supporters have been making concrete, step-by-step progress in shaping electoral processes to his benefit. Across the state, MAGA die-hards are devoting considerable resources to purging voter rolls, intimidating election officials, employing legal dirty tricks, and ousting Republican officials and election appointees who haven’t been initiated into the cult of Trump."

As one Trump insider admitted, "Georgia is our laboratory. If you can get this up and running in Georgia, you get a road map for other states, maybe the country as a whole.”

As part of their plan to ensure long-term changes, lawyers working for the former president are already making plans to use the Georgia voting results as part of a campaign to create more suspicions about fraud.

"Lawyers close to Trump are already preparing for the former president to claim fraud in Georgia and challenge the results of the election — even in the event that he wins — just to prove a point about imaginary 'fraud' in Democratic areas," the report states with one lawyer adding, "There’s massive fraud, so that should be … solved, no matter who wins in Georgia or any state. You can’t let the left get away with it just because their cheating did not work.”

The report adds, "Nearly every leader who matters in various state GOPs, the national Republican Party, and within the conservative movement is playing part in a well-funded, coordinated attempt to corrupt American elections in a way so transparently cynical, so authoritarian, that it makes the right’s 'voter fraud”'crackdowns of the pre-Trump era look like a flicker of intellectual calm by comparison."

You can read more here.