Trump team 'scrambling' before outdoor rally to be held in 104-degree heat: report

President Donald Trump at a 'Make America Great Again' rally (screengrab)

Donald Trump's presidential campaign is scrambling to avoid a public relations disaster with their plans to go forward with an outdoor rally on Sunday in Las Vegas where the temperature is expected to near 104 degrees.

Hot on the heels of an appearance in that was held indoors but still led to multiple Trump fans rushed to local hospitals due to heat-related complications, the New York Times stated the campaign is being forced to make new arrangements to protect attendees on Sunday.

According to the report, with the temperature expected to hit triple digits and little shade available, there are concerns about MAGA attendees who are known to stand in line long before the former president makes an appearance.

The Times' Michael Gold is reporting, "The Trump campaign is taking steps to avoid similar circumstances on Sunday, when Mr. Trump is scheduled to speak at an outdoor rally at noon at a park in Las Vegas. Forecasts expect the temperature to be around 105 degrees," before adding, "Mr. Trump’s rally in Phoenix was inside, and those who made it in could expect relief — and air conditioning — that may be harder to find at his outdoor event in Nevada."

According to the former president's campaign, a multitude of measures are planned to help attendees survive the heat.

"The Trump campaign said it will have thousands of bottles of water on hand in Las Vegas to offer to people in line and to those already inside the security perimeter. It will put up tents around the park so that people can get out of the sun, and there will be at least one tent with air-conditioning," the report states. "Campaign staff will set up a number of misting fans to help cool off attendees."

The Times report added, "Still, Mr. Trump is no stranger to holding rallies in extreme weather or canceling them because conditions are too dangerous. Earlier this year, as a blizzard swept into Iowa the week before its caucuses, Mr. Trump canceled all but one rally, citing the potential for severe weather."

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