Far-right AfD politicians attacked in two locations in Germany

Delegates walk in front of the party logo at the AfD federal party conference in Magdeburg. Carsten Koall/dpa

Politicians from Germany's far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party came under attack again on Saturday, with incidents reported from Karlsruhe in the south-west and Dresden in the east of the country.

Two AfD city councillors were attacked by masked assailants outside a café in the city centre of Karlsruhe.

Three people, including the two councillors, were slightly injured, a police spokesman in Karlsruhe told dpa late on Saturday.

The attacks happened a day before Germans go to the polls on Sunday to vote in the European Parliament elections and in regional elections in some areas.

The three were treated at the scene. The police detained five people for the time being and released them after taking their personal details. Other suspected perpetrators fled the scene.

The AfD said the city councillors were attacked with a baseball bat. The police said that a stick was found at the scene.

Whether a baseball bat was also used could neither be confirmed nor denied, the police spokesman said.

According to the AfD in the Karlsruhe local council, the attack came from the radical left-wing scene. Around 10 people were said to be involved.

The police were initially unable to provide any details.

"It was only thanks to the courageous intervention of security personnel sitting at the next table that worse could be prevented," the local AfD representation in the Karlsruhe local council said in a statement.

Earlier on Saturday, 70-year-old Hans-Jürgen Zickler, an AfD member of Saxony's state parliament, was punched in the face by a man at an information stand in Dresden, the party said.

Dresden police confirmed the incident. Criminal charges were filed against the suspected assailant.

The suspect, a 47-year-old man, is being investigated on suspicion of assault after punching a 70-year-old man at a voting booth, police said.

There has been widespread outrage and dismay in Germany after a series of violent attacks on campaigning politicians from parties across the political spectrum in the past few months.

In one of the worst incidents, Social Democrat election campaigner Matthias Ecke was hospitalized after being beaten in Dresden a month ago.