No grudge held, critiques Imran Khan's policies: Nawaz Sharif

Islamabad [Pakistan], June 9 (ANI): PML-N President Nawaz Sharif asserted his stance on Saturday, stating that he harboured no intentions of seeking retribution against anyone, including those who had previously sought to thwart his political ambitions, Dawn reported.

Emphasising his commitment to reconciliation, he identified Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan as a primary impediment to fostering political harmony nationwide.

Chairing a second parliamentary party meeting since reclaiming his position within the party, Nawaz Sharif commended the efforts of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif for their roles in significantly reducing the prices of essential commodities.

"I am not one to pursue political vendettas," Nawaz Sharif affirmed, highlighting his non-vindictive approach. Expressing his desire for further reductions in gas and electricity tariffs, he expressed optimism for Pakistan's recovery from ongoing crises, advocating for policies aimed at lowering utility prices, as reported by Dawn.

While disavowing personal grudges, the PML-N leader directed criticism towards incarcerated PTI leader Imran Khan, citing alleged wrongdoings and political victimisation. "Imran once vowed to drag me through the streets, yet I have not requested the removal of air conditioning from his jail cell," Nawaz remarked, sarcastically noting his willingness to tolerate Khan's purportedly privileged incarceration conditions.

Drawing attention to developmental setbacks under the PTI's tenure, Nawaz Sharif cited examples such as the controversial Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project in Peshawar, deriding it as a failure and emblematic of mismanagement and corruption.

"The nation must discern who has led the country astray and who has steered it towards progress," Nawaz Sharif declared, attributing developmental achievements solely to the PML-N. Reflecting on his commitment to fostering democratic values, he referenced the Charter of Democracy, a pact he signed with former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, underscoring his dedication to political reconciliation and stability, Dawn reported. (ANI)