Dad’s fear after rats spotted again at Victoria Recreation Ground in Knights Avenue, Canterbury

A dismayed dad has been put off taking his daughter to a play park after seeing rats scurrying around.

Ionut Schiopo and his two-year-old visited Victoria Recreation Ground in Knights Avenue, Canterbury, on Thursday, June 6, but left as soon as he saw the vermin.

However before departing, he managed to get a video of two rats foraging in the grass.

In a picture taken by the concerned dad, a rat can be seen underneath a bin in the park.

Mr Schiopo said: “Rats have a lot of viruses which kids could get.

“My reaction when I saw them was afraid for myself and my daughter.

Ionut Schiopo says he left the park as soon as he spotted the two rats. Picture: Ionut Schiopo
Rats have been seen in Victoria Recreation Ground in Knights Avenue, Canterbury, prompting a concerned dad to leave Picture: Ionut Schiopo/ Google

“I know how dangerous they are, and they could attack you if you fell over.”

Mr Schiopo is calling for council measures which will keep the rats away from the area.

“I hope they will sort something out so the kids are safe,” he added.

“I left because I didn’t feel comfortable there with my daughter.”

A Canterbury City Council spokesperson says that rats can be found in all parks, and are attracted to litter.

A rat was spotted under a bin in the park Pic: Ionut Schiopo

They explained: "We have to be realistic on this issue and say that rats can be found in all parks and open spaces. They simply exist in our environment.

“Rats will always look for a food source and sadly we have become a society that leaves rubbish behind with little regard for the environment, despite the presence of litter bins. It is no wonder their population is thriving.

"We do not bait out in the open due to the possibility of poison getting into the wrong hands of children, dogs or other animals. Therefore, regrettably, the concern raised is not an issue we are able to tackle."

It comes after a mum told of her horror when seeing rats running around the site last month.

The shocked parent recorded footage of the rodents at the recreation ground - which was busy with youngsters.

The video shows the rats underneath a bench before darting out onto a path.