'Really?' MSNBC host stumped by MAGA fan's baffling answer about Trump 'retribution'

Trump supporter Ira Kimball (on the right) -- MSNBC screenshot

A supporter of attending in stumped MSNBC host Alex Witt on Sunday when he responded to a question about the former president promising retribution against his enemies by linking him to Jesus spreading "love."

In an interview with MSNBC's Vaughan Hillyard, a man identified as Ira Kimball was asked, "If Donald Trump does get back in the White House, would you want him to seek retribution against those who have brought these charges against him?"

"When we think about Jesus Christ himself, everybody went against him because he was preaching love and doing what was right for the people," the MAGA supporter replied. "Trump is doing what is right for this nation and because he is doing that, everybody is against him."

After watching the clip, MSNBC host Alex Witt stated, " By the way, that person you interviewed? I thought he was going to say that Donald Trump is preaching love. at which point I was going to go, really?"

Watch below .

MSNBC 06 09 2024 14 02 27 youtu.be

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