Far-right Freedom Party of Austria wins European Parliament elections

FPO top candidate Harald Vilimsky at the FPO election party. Helmut Fohringer/APA/dpa

The far-right Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) has won the European elections in the country, preliminary results showed on Sunday.

The right-wing populists have received 25.5% of the vote, putting them ahead of the conservative Austrian People's Party (ÖVP) on 24.7% and Social Democratic Party of Austria (SPÖ) on 23.3%.

This is the first time that the right-wing populists have come first in a nationwide election in Austria.

During the election campaign, the party often emphasized its eurosceptic stance under the slogan "Stop the EU madness" and portrayed the EU as a warmongering force in the Ukraine conflict.

FPO Federal Party Chairman Herbert Kickl (L) and top candidate Harald Vilimsky attend the FPO election party. Helmut Fohringer/APA/dpa
(L-R) Lena Schilling (Greens), Reinhold Lopatka (OVP), Harald Vilimsky (FPO), Andreas Schieder (SPO) and Helmut Brandstatter (NEOS) at the election center in the House of the EU during the European elections. Helmut Fohringer/APA/dpa

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