Dutch left-wing alliance tops EU poll ahead of Wilders

The alliance of the Dutch Labour Party and the Green-Left party has taken the top spot in the European Parliament elections, according to provisional final results.

The left-wing alliance is set to secure eight of the country's 31 seats, down one seat on the European elections in 2019.

The Party for Freedom (PVV) headed by populist far-right firebrand Geert Wilders came second with six seats. The party failed to secure any seats in 2019, but was allocated one after Brexit.

The Dutch kicked off this year's European Parliament elections on Thursday and the preliminary results are in line with exit polls.

Outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte's conservative-liberal VVD lost ground to take four seats in the new European Parliament.

Pre-election polling indicated that Wilders' party could take top spot. The anti-Islam PVV won a clear majority in the national elections in November and is set to go into a coalition with three other parties.

Wilders will not be prime minister, however. He has also put on ice his previous call for the Netherlands to leave the European Union, now saying that he plans to "hollow out the power of the EU from within."