Czech populist opposition ANO party top in European elections

The populist ANO opposition party has taken top spot in the European elections in the Czech Republic, securing 26.1% of the vote and seven seats, according to provisional results.

The party led by billionaire former prime minister Andrej Babiš thus secured one more seat than in 2019. ANO is part of the liberal Renew group in the European Parliament.

In second place was Prime Minister Petr Fiala's conservative Spolu electoral alliance, which gained 22.3% and six seats.

Two other parties in the ruling coalition were also successful, with STAN securing two seats and the Pirate Party one, down two seats from its 2019 result. The Czech coalition parties are members of differing groups in the European Parliament.

The right-wing Prisaha protest party of former police officer Robert Slachta and the new left-wing alliance Stacilo! each secured two seats, contrary to expectations.

The extreme right SPD was on one seat, down one from 2019.

Turnout at 36.5% was higher than at all previous European elections, although still lower than in other EU countries.