Conservative opposition wins EU vote in Slovenia

The opposition Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) of right-wing nationalist former president Janez Janša has won the European Parliament elections, the electoral authority said on Sunday evening, with almost 90% of votes counted.

The SDS garnered 31.3% of votes, winning four of the country's nine seats in the European Parliament.

The governing left-wing liberal Freedom Movement (GS) of Prime Minister Robert Golob won 21.9%, garnering two seats.

The Social Democrats (SD), the new green Vesna party and the conservative New Slovenia (NSi) party each took one seat.

Slovenians on Sunday also voted in several referendums, including on the legalization of cannabis, with 66.5% voting in favour of legalization for medicinal purposes and 51.5% in favour of recreational use.

Some 54.5% voted in favour of legal regulation for assisted dying.

The results of the referendums are not binding.