Heightened risk of forest fires as heatwave grips Greece and Turkey

A mini heatwave is expected to hike local temperatures up to 45 degrees Celsius in Greece and Turkey, with meteorologists in both countries describing the temperatures as unusually high for the time of year.

Across many Greek regions temperatures will be over 40 degrees and in some cases up to 45 degrees from Tuesday and in the following days, according to the Greek weather service.

The Greek Red Cross is advising people to stay out of the sun, close the shutters, drink plenty of fluids and eat lightly. People should keep in touch with friends and family to ensure that older people in particular are well.

It said that drinking alcohol is being discouraged, as is outdoor sport. Children and animals should never be left in the car during the day, and pets and stray cats and dogs should be provided with water, it added.

The fire brigade also expressed concern. The risk of forest fires is very high, especially in central Greece, after a winter with little rain and due to the unusually high temperatures since the beginning of June, the service wrote on the social media platform X.

Turkish weather forecasters also warned of a heatwave in the west of the country on Tuesday and Wednesday with temperatures of up to 45 degrees.

That is around 12 degrees higher than usual at this time of year. They advise people to avoid being outdoors between 11 am and 4 pm (0800 - 1300 GMT), especially the elderly, children and the chronically ill.