'Reality check': Conservative says Trump's 'chaos' rhetoric is infuriating campaign

President Donald J. Trump speaking at his campaign rally in Des Moines, Iowa at Drake University's Knapp Center. (Aspects and Angles / Shutterstock.com)

Former President Donald Trump's campaign staff are growing frustrated over the presumptive Republican nominee's rambling rhetoric described on a recent panel as "narcissistic" and "offensive," a conservative election strategist said Monday.

Shermichael Singleton told CNN anchor Jim Acosta Monday that alarm bells are ringing after Trump on Sunday railed against those who brought Jan. 6 "warriors" to justice.

"I know for a fact that some of the folks on the campaign would prefer the former president to stick to the issues," Singleton said. "People don't want to be reminded of chaos."

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While Trump's rambling Nevada campaign speech raised eyebrows over comments including a ramble linking batteries from and his assertion to rally attendees that "," Acosta argued the former president's decision to refer to U.S. Capitol rioters was especially alarming.

"Reality check," Acosta declared. "The police officers who were defending the Capitol on Jan. 6 — they were the warriors, they were under attack, they defended the Capitol."

Panelist Meghan Hays, former assistant to President Joe Biden, called Trump's rhetoric "offensive" but predicted he'll keep making such comments as the 2024 election draws near, all the while likening himself to an unlikely religious figure.

"Trump is going to continue to say things and continue to incite this incendiary language," Hays said. "Comparing himself to Jesus? That's very narcissistic."

Singleton argued such rhetoric would not serve the former president with undecided voters who will be faced with a decision on Nov. 5 between Biden and a man in one American city and accused of election interference in two others.

"It does sort of remind people, 'You know what? I just don't think I want to be bothered with another four years of chaos,'" Singleton said. "That isn't good for the former president."

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