Scholz won't say yet who Germany will back for top EU posts

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz gives a press conference during the visit of Chilean President Boric. Kay Nietfeld/dpa

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz declined to say whether he would support European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen's bid for another term on Monday, a day after the close of the European Parliament elections.

Scholz repeated his previous position that "the Commission presidency must be based on a democratic majority of traditional democratic parties in the European Parliament."

Speaking at a press conference in Berlin alongside visiting Chilean President Gabriel Boric, Scholz said he would consider whether to back von der Leyen and who to support for various top EU jobs over the coming weeks.

"I am in favour of overcoming all these challenges this month, that is to say deciding quickly and swiftly," Scholz said. "There is no reason to dwell on this for too long."

Von der Leyen's centre-right European People's Party (EPP) claimed victory in the elections on Sunday after results showed it would remain the largest bloc in the European Parliament.

Von der Leyen, a German politician and former minister from the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU), called on EU social democratic and liberal parties to back her re-election bid.

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