Gretchen Whitmer Conveniently 'Loses Connection' When Asked Awkward Question About Hunter Biden Trial

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Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proved over the weekend that her party will engage in whatever antics it needs to, even if that means dodging questions about Hunter Biden while hypocritically shredding former President Donald Trump as a "convicted felon."

Whitmer appeared on a segment of CNN's "State of the Union" with Dana Bash on Sunday.

When asked about Biden's felony trial for allegedly lying on a federal gun form that asked if he was addicted to drugs in 2018, the governor unconvincingly indicated she couldn't hear Bash.

"I want to turn to a different, very different trial, and that is one that is going on in Delaware with the president's son, Hunter Biden," the CNN host said.

"He is on trial for obtaining and possessing a firearm while under the influence of illegal drugs, which was against the law," she continued. "Republican Lindsey Graham says that an average American would not have been prosecuted for this."

Whitmer interrupted her, saying, "Dana, are you there?"

"Yes, governor, can you hear me?" Bash said.

"OK, it sounds like the governor can't hear me," she said. "You know what? We're going to take a very quick commercial break and get this fixed, and we will be right back. Don't go anywhere."